11: Interview with Tyler Merritt

Tyler Merritt is an Actor, Author, Activist, and Encourager, and speaking with him on this latest episode of Write the Damn Book Already was nothing short of joy-giving.

His first book, I Take My Coffee Black, is part personal story, part history lesson, part laugh-out-loud humor, and part perspective-considering/shifting, and it's a must-read I'll be recommending for years to come.


I N T E R V I E W  H I G H L I G H T S

[6:13] The reality of not knowing what will resonate with a reader and trusting your own voice (Plus, honoring the value of content that you include JUST FOR YOU!)

[6:58] The community writing approach Tyler uses to keep himself "in check" (that prevents getting too much outside opinion that confuses him more than helps him)

[12:50] How Tyler sees his book as a love letter to all the things he loves, and how he intentionally and subtly included points intended to educate without shaming or proselytizing

[14:30] Elizabeth's "stupid" question of the month (asking this was my BOLD MOVE of the day!)

[20:20] How Tyler figured out how to organize so much content and not be overwhelmed by everything he wanted to say (it's a secret that involves Jay-Z)

[34:31] The Magic of Trapper Keepers (IYKYK)

[38:45] What writing this book gave Tyler such a new and appreciated perspective on (that he thought he already truly understood)

[54:42] What Tyler most highly underestimated about how people would be impacted by the book (this might be my favorite new question to ask authors!)


C O N N E C T  W I T H  T Y L E R

Before You Call the Cops (viral video featured on Jimmy Kimmel)

Connect with Tyler on Instagram 

Purchase I Take My Coffee Black