Ep 34: Where to find motivation to write

The vast majority of people who join the Write the Damn Book Already Facebook group say they are looking for one (or more) of the following things:

  • Motivation
  • Inspiration
  • Accountability

I can help you with all three, but not in the way you might think.

Today, let’s talk about motivation.

When people say they are looking for motivation to write their book, what they’re often really saying is, “I’m not clear ENOUGH on what I’m writing about (or why) to get my ass in the chair on a regular basis.”


“I’m (unknowingly) misunderstanding what it looks like for other authors. I think they have a certain amount of motivation or awareness or knowledge or know-how, and once I get that, I’ll be good to go.”

They think that what they are missing is “motivation.”

But motivation (or inspiration) is just the word used to describe the feeling they want to have, much like “writers’ block" is the phrase often used to describe the feeling of “I don’t know what the hell to write or whether I should actually write what I’m thinking.”

So let’s get clearer about what you really need (and how to get it!).

First, a few truths:

  1. No author sits down and writes in flow all day every day until the book is finished.
  2. No author feels “motivated” all the time.
  3. We write even when we don’t feel motivated but we make that time count

Now that we have that out of the way, let's dive into this episode where I share my top tips for finding that motivation you're seeking, so that you can get on with writing the book that's practically begging to come out of you! 



Click here to sign up for Email for Authors (Made Simple) workshop with Sam Garcia (complimentary access for paid members of Book Writing Made Simple and 1:1 clients; $25 for all others)

Neely Alexander's novel, Love Buzz

In Conversation with Neely Alexander at Changing Hands Bookstore (May 12, 2023, 6PM) 

Linda Sivertsen's book, Beautiful Writers

Sari Botton's memoir-in-essays, And You May Find Yourself: Confessions of a Late-Blooming Gen-X Weirdo