Awesome Email Templates for Authors
Connect with your email list so they become RAVING fans
Grab the exact templates your launch team and promo partners can use to make book promotion (almost) effortless
"Finally, a series of email templates that isn't sterile and can be easily customized! My launch team was grateful, my reader list is engaging, and these templates saved me hours of work!"
Erin Thorburn, Author and Illustrator
"...first time I bought something like this and don't feel like I just threw away my money. I just gave the material a quick look and it's SO worth every dime. A HUGE thank you!"
—Hugh T.
You know the emails you get and can't wait to open because you know you're going to learn something, discover something, or laugh harder than one should before 9am?
You want your readers to feel the same way when they get yours!
The idea of sitting down and coming up with a bunch of emails from scratch makes you want to retreat like a turtle into its shell. I mean, you already wrote a whole book. Isn't it time for a break from the blank page?
You're also immensely grateful to anyone willing to help you spread the word about your book, whether it's one lone ranger or a group of 472. But they're probably no better than you when it comes to starting with a blank page. (The way you felt about writing a whole book? They may feel that way about writing even a brief email!).
So you need to 1) help your launch team with what to say to their people and 2) figure out what you can say to your growing list of readers to continue to build a relationship with them that has them recommending your book like crazy.
Perhaps you've wondered:
- What should I say (and not say) so readers won't wonder, "How did I get on this email list?"
- What can I talk about besides my book (and how much can I even talk about that)?
- How to I make sure I'm not pestering anyone?
- How can I make it easy for people to help spread the word about my book?
- Where will I find the time to figure this all out from the ground up?
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I'm a 6X author, and I've spent the last 20+ years writing, publishing, and launching books (and helping others do the same).
I've lived through the process you're dreading—the one where you have to write all those emails (many times.)
I wasn't sure how to best support my book launch partners (while sounding slightly more exciting than cardboard), and I felt like a blabbering moron when emailing my readers. I was so proud of my book, but I wondered, "How many times can I talk about it without people saying, 'Enough already!' and hitting the unsubscribe button?
So, over time, I curated content ideas that actually work!
I created easily customizable emails for promo partners as well as emails that allow me to connect with my readers to the point that many of them have become friends IRL ("in real life," for those of you without teenagers!).
I tested them over several of my own launches and several of my clients' launches, honing, refining, and honing some more.
I wrote, tracked click-through-rates, re-wrote, and re-wrote some more.
I ended up with a series of 12 emails to share with your launch/promo partners so they can effectively communicate with their audiences via email and/or social media.
several months' worth of easily replicable email templates and content ideas that support you in building genuine, connected, fun relationships with your readers.
"I wish I'd had these templates when my first book was published. And I bet there are more than a few other authors who feel the same way!"
So I created the resource I needed back then
(and still use today!)
Imagine Being Able To...
Know Exactly What to Say to Your Launch Team
...and when to say it for maximum effect
Build Rapport with Excited Readers
...who your launch team knows will be ecstatic to discover you and your book
Build and Engage a Long-Term Crew
...of partners and readers, so that every launch becomes easier and more effective!
Get ready, because you are about to effectively engage with launch partners and readers... you can build lasting, authentic, profitable relationships!
Launch Team Emails
Effective communicate with your launch team or promo partners through 12 customizable email templates showing them exactly how to engage with their audience (and when) during your book launch or any new promotional effort.
BONUS: Link to my personal launch team application (that you can copy and customize for your own use!)
Reader List Emails
Whether you already have a list or are building one from the ground up, this growing vault of creative email ideas and customizable templates tailored specifically for authors will set you up to confidently build a mutually beneficial relationship with your readers. And, these templates work for authors of any genre!
Customizable Book Graphics
Get 5 of my top performing, customizable book promotion graphics to give your launch team/promo partners or use yourself in social media or emails!
Bonus Content
Don't worry - I know that sometimes the software end of things is what stumps authors most. In these bonus walkthrough videos, I'll show you step-by-step how to tackle some of the common points of tech frustration!
You're probably thinking this costs at least $197 (and it easily could.)
But I want you to get those emails written, those relationships nurtured, and that book in the hands of those who don't even know how much they're going to love it!
"Elizabeth is the real deal. She has a fantastic fun optimistic mentality mixed with a no-nonsense let's get stuff done approach. It's so effective. I went from no book to published book in about 9 months and have been thrilled with my results. I can highly recommend her to be your book writing coach and editor, she's worth every penny, will save you loads of time and surprise you with what it's possible for you to achieve."
-Dr. Richard Gliddon, author of Unlocked: Release Your Peak Potential and Rebuild a Body that’s Future-Proof
“Before working with Elizabeth, I knew I would write my novel. I didn’t know that I would publish it. My biggest obstacle was my fear of failure. I also felt like what I was doing as a writer wasn’t ‘important enough.’ Elizabeth helped me understand what I should and shouldn’t worry about. She’s an incredible motivator, and she’s also realistic, which is incredibly valuable.”
-Marianne Hansen, author of The Unscripted Life of Lizzy Dillinger and Better Off Divorced