Bet You Didn't Know THIS About The 5-Second Rule

Even if you haven't heard of The 5-Second Rule, you've likely heard of its author, Mel Robbins, given that she's arguably the highest paid woman on the speaking circuit.

The 5-Second Rule was published in 2017 and went on to sell millions of copies and be translated into 33 languages. 

But did you know...

IT WAS SELF-PUBLISHED (via a hybrid publisher, which is essentially hiring someone to partner with when it comes to the tasks associated with self-publishing. They do the majority of the publishing legwork, providing connections to editors, cover designers, interior formatters, and sometimes marketing partners. This option gives authors the creative and financial benefits of self-publishing along with the expertise and potential distribution channels of a traditional house.

The 5-Second Rule later went on to become the most successful self-published audiobook in history. 

*Note: Today, the book is noted as being published by a division of Hachette, which is a traditional publisher. Mel Robbins herself still refers to it as a self-published book, however, and I imagine it was picked up by Hachette for a large advance after she gained it its original rise in popularity. 

Because she initially worked with a hybrid publisher, Robbins didn’t get an advance. In fact, she recommends against that "benefit" of traditional publishing, saying,

"Getting an advance feels good, but it's terrible math. Advances are not free money. Money from an advance gets paid back based on the sales and the royalties that you earn. That means you are typically earning a very small amount on each book you sell—and that is what has to pay back the advance.” 

Her hybrid agreement allowed her to split printing costs with her publisher (which authors don't have to do today, given the advancements in print-on-demand quality and convenience) as well as command the majority of the profits. The publisher helped with bookstore distribution, which, important to note, was far more accessible in 2017 than it is in 2024. 

But still, she had to sell the book and create buzz around it. As hard as I tried, I couldn't find any information on exactly how she did that or what the tipping point was. I'll keep looking and certainly let you know what I find! 

Certainly, self-publishing isn't the right approach for every author, but if Mel hadn’t taken that approach, she would have only made a small percentage of the profits and likely lost most if not all of the creative control (final edits, title, cover design, interior formatting).

David Goggins had a similar perspective when he self-published Can't Hurt Me with the help of hybrid publisher Lioncrest Publishing in 2018. He went on to net approximately three times the revenue he would have generated had he taken the original deal presented to him by a traditional publisher (which reportedly included a 6-figure advance).

 Mel Robbins is still an advocate of self-publishing or hybrid publishing, given that "if a book sells, you will make a greater share of the profits than making a small percentage on each copy." It also allows you to "own the content and make creative decisions according to your own timeline."

Whether you're writing fiction or nonfiction, self- or hybrid publishing can help you advance your career or grow your reach as an author just as well as traditional publishing. 

In fact, in a survey conducted by Grammar Factory, a Canadian self-publishing/hybrid publishing company that helps business leaders write, publish and market non-fiction books, 86% of entrepreneurs who self-published said that their businesses grew as a result. Because context matters, approximately 150 authors were surveyed. Thirty-four percent of the entrepreneurs surveyed reported their overall earnings having doubled since the publication of their book.

Again, while the approach isn't right for everyone, self-publishing and hybrid publishing are becoming more popular, given the access "normal people" now have to experts in cover design, interior formatting, and distribution. Should you wish to self-publish but desire assistance with the process, I've put together a list of questions to ask hybrid publishers to ensure you'll end up with the partnership you're hoping for! 

And, if you've considered self-publishing and/or want to gain greater clarity on the process and whether it's an approach to more strongly consider for your first (or next) book, get instant access to my free SELF-PUBLISHING STARTER KIT right here

You will discover the exact steps to focus on (and mistakes to avoid) so you can self-publish an incredible book that's indistinguishable in quality from a New York Times bestseller.  

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